Sunday, December 26, 2010

Why don't they call me or contact me?

I wonder frequently why some of my family and why friends don't call me. I try to live by the golden rule with my family and friends, but I will admit that there are time I just get tired of reaching out, but getting nothing in return.
When I owned a boat and a friend was going through depression, I invited him to go fishing and did my best to be sure he had a good time. I let him drive the boat, took him places he liked to fish, and just tried to be a good friend. He got better, but when he got a boat, never once did he invite me fishing after I had to sell mine. I wonder why?
When friends have lost loved ones or other friends, I try to show them God's love, but when Mom died a couple years back, very few of my friends or family came to her service or even inquired about how I or my sister were. I wonder why?
I want our family to be tight; I want them all to love one another and to stay in touch, but if any contact is done, I have to initiate it. Only my sister really tries, probably harder than I do since Mom died to keep us in contact, now that it is just she and I left of our direct family.
My best friend from kindergarten through my junior year in high school doesn't call me, even though I call him periodically. Through the years, I have made an effort to stay in touch with him. But, again, if any contact is initiated, it is I who initiate it.
My 1st cousin was like a big brother to me when I lived with my grandmother, but if any contact is initiated, I have to do it.
Do they not know how painful that is? Do they not understand how lonely that makes one feel? Do they not understand the insecurity, isolation, and feeling of being unwanted and rejected that their lack of simple human compassion and concern causes?
It hurts...and I do not understand why they do not contact me? I never ask anything of them; only try to show them God's love and my love for them.
I don't say anything to them; it would only further drive wedges between us and make contact even more difficult and probably infrequent.
People, if you do not understand how important it is to let others know that you love them, take it from me...everyone needs it.
PS: I do not have bad breath, rotten teeth, body odor (I bath daily), and I do not look freakish...there are no physical reasons for people to avoid me, so I know it is not for those type reasons.

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